Stonewood Financial Blog

The Election and Your Clients: Two Risks to Watch

Unless you’ve been living in a cave, you know there’s a big election coming this November. (And even if you’ve been...

Dispatches from Washington: Advocating for U.S. Savers

Good financial advisors spend a good deal of their time helping clients understand - and address - the risks coming...

The New Holistic In Action

Sometimes, 1 + 1 = 3. Not mathematically, of course. But sometimes, when you add things together, the sum is far more...

Peak Practice Transformation

Here at Stonewood Financial, our goal is to help advisors have the best year ever in their practices. And last week,...

Dispatches from the Innovate Summit

100 advisors walk into a hotel ballroom. No, it’s not the start of a joke. It’s the start of Stonewood Financial’s...

From Likes to Leads: How to Master Social Media Marketing as a Financial Advisor

We’re living in a digital age. Even older clients are often consuming information and making decisions online - so...

Are Your Seminars and Workshops Evolving?

When it comes to group marketing, successful advisors are always evolving one of two things: either the content they’re...

The Bots are Here to Help: Leveraging AI in Marketing for Financial Advisors

The AI revolution may still be a ways off, but today’s initial crop of artificial intelligence tools can give financial...

Using FIAs to Drive Alpha. (Yes, you read that right: ALPHA)

At some point, most of us have run a client’s annuity illustration and thought: I wonder what the capital markets would...