Stonewood Financial Blog

Mitigating Legislative Risk in Retirement: The Critical Role of IRMAA and IRA Strategies

It’s Legislative Risk Awareness Month, and today I want to share one of the clearest examples of Legislative Risk many...

The Budget Outlook is Worse Than We Thought. What Does it Mean for U.S. Savers?

Believe it or not, our government is fairly transparent when it comes to its own spending - and the impact it could...

The Election and Your Clients: Two Risks to Watch

Unless you’ve been living in a cave, you know there’s a big election coming this November. (And even if you’ve been...

Dispatches from Washington: Advocating for U.S. Savers

Good financial advisors spend a good deal of their time helping clients understand - and address - the risks coming...

An Actuary’s Take on the New DOL’s Fiduciary Rule

Last month, the U.S. Department of Labor finalized the much-discussed Fiduciary Rule for retirement plans. The new...

Get out of debt? Absolutely. Start by reducing your Retirement Tax Bill.

If you’re in the financial services business, it’s impossible to avoid people asking about Dave Ramsey. Dave Ramsey is...

The State of our Union is… Still Leading to Higher Taxes

Last week, President Biden delivered his State of the Union Address to Congress and the American people. So this week,...

Is your client in debt to the IRS? If they have an IRA, the answer is “yes.”

If you’ve followed this blog (or ever heard me speak), you undoubtedly know I’m a big fan of message frames. Message...

Legislative Risk and Life Insurance: Are There Red Flags Ahead?

As CJ Cregg, fictional White House Press Secretary on the hit TV show West Wing, once said: “Everybody’s stupid in an...