Using Social Media for Lead Generation: Best Practices for LinkedIn & Facebook

Social Media for Lead Generation

Are you finding leads online? Are you building trust with your clients and prospects on the platforms where they’re spending time? 

The financial industry has its own unique challenges when it comes to marketing, with strict regulations and a need for trust and credibility. However, social media can still be a powerful tool for generating leads—if used correctly. By strategically leveraging platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook, financial professionals can build relationships, establish authority, and attract new clients. 

Studies show 82% of Baby Boomers have at least one social media account, with Facebook and LinkedIn leading the way. So social media deserves to be part of your marketing strategy.


Here’s how to optimize each platform for lead generation in the retirement savings industry.

LinkedIn: The Premier Platform for Financial Advisors

LinkedIn is often the go-to social media platform for financial advisors. It’s highly effective for connecting with decision-makers, business owners, and other professionals who may need financial advice and guidance.

Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile for Trust and Credibility

In financial services, trust is everything. Your LinkedIn profile should reflect your expertise and the trustworthiness required in this field:

  • Headline and Summary: Tailor your headline and summary to highlight your experience and the specific financial services you offer. For example, if you specialize in retirement planning or wealth transfer, make that clear.

  • Certifications and Licenses: Showcase any certifications (e.g., CFP, CFA) and licenses that bolster your credibility.

  • Client Recommendations: Solicit recommendations from satisfied clients and colleagues that speak to your trustworthiness, professionalism, and results. Testimonials go a long way in the financial industry. You can create a graphic to share this with your followers on websites like Canva

Build a Targeted Network

LinkedIn’s search filters allow you to find and connect with business owners, pre-retirees, and other professionals in need of financial guidance:

  • Niche Targeting: Identify your ideal clients—whether they’re high-net-worth individuals, business owners, or corporate professionals—and focus your connection requests accordingly.

  • Personalized Messages: When reaching out, avoid generic messages. Instead, customize your outreach by referring to something specific in their profile or industry that aligns with your services. For example, you could start the message with something related to the college they attended. If they went to the University of Kentucky, like me, you could say, “Go Cats!” 

Use Content to Educate and Build Trust

In retirement planning, educating your audience is one of the most effective ways to build trust and generate leads:

  • September 2024 Legislative Risk Awareness Month (1)Share Industry Insights: Regularly post content that highlights your knowledge of the markets, tax strategies, retirement planning, or other financial topics relevant to your audience. Check out our latest initiative, Legislative Risk Awareness Month

  • Long-Form Content: Write in-depth articles or LinkedIn posts about pressing financial concerns, such as inflation, interest rate trends, or retirement strategies. Use these articles to drive leads by linking back to your website or a lead capture form. At Stonewood, we do this by sharing our LinkedIn Newsletter, The New Holistic Advisor. 

  • Engage in Groups: Join LinkedIn Groups that cater to financial professionals or target industries. Offer actionable advice and share relevant content without being overly promotional. 

LinkedIn Ads for Financial Services

LinkedIn Ads can be particularly useful in reaching high-income professionals and other prospective clients:

  • Sponsored Content: Promote webinars, financial guides, or newsletters to attract leads who are interested in gaining deeper financial knowledge.

  • InMail Campaigns: Use LinkedIn’s InMail campaigns to directly message prospects with a value-oriented offer, such as a free tax analysis or a guide on the risks the upcoming election could have on savers.

Facebook: Building Trust with a Wider Audience

Facebook is another great place to connect with prospects and clients, particularly in the retirement savings market. Increasingly, Facebook isn’t just a place retirees go to see pictures of their grandkids; it's also a platform they use to connect with businesses and information important to them.

Establish a Professional Facebook Page

Your Facebook Page should reflect your brand as a trusted financial advisor:

  • New Covers_AllBooks_TransparentTrust-Building Content: Focus on content that educates and informs your audience, such as articles or books on tax planning or retirement advice. Include clear calls-to-action (CTAs) for users to contact you or schedule a consultation. Advisors who work with us like to use our books to build trust and authority with their clients and prospects.

  • Testimonials and Case Studies: Share client testimonials (with their permission) and success stories that show how you’ve helped individuals improve their financial health and preparedness for the future.

Consistent and Engaging Content

  • Visual Content: Use infographics and short videos to simplify complex financial topics. For example, create a quick video on “3 Ways to Prepare for Retirement” or “How to Manage Legislative Risk in Retirement.”

  • Facebook Live Events: Consider hosting live Q&A sessions where you discuss popular financial topics, like tax-saving strategies or investment outlooks. Promote these events to attract leads and follow up with those who attend.

  • Brochure_LegRiskLead Magnets: Offer downloadable content like retirement planning templates, guides, or checklists in exchange for email sign-ups. We like to use our informational brochures or white papers


Facebook Ads for Targeted Lead Generation

Facebook’s ad platform allows you to target specific demographics, interests, and behaviors, making it effective for reaching individuals in need of financial services:

  • Targeted Ads: Run ads that target people based on life events (such as recent retirement or having a grandchild) that may trigger the need for your services.

  • RTB_Icons_DisplayLead Ads: Use lead ads that make it easy for prospects to submit their contact details without leaving Facebook. This works well for promoting free financial assessments

Create or Join Financial Groups

Similar to LinkedIn, Facebook has Groups centered around personal finance, investing, or business finance are excellent spaces for you to offer value. Share your expertise by answering questions and providing helpful content. These engagements can position you as a go-to financial expert, naturally generating leads as people seek your services.

Best Practices for Financial Professionals Across Platforms

Stay Compliant

The financial industry is highly regulated, and this extends to social media. Make sure all your content adheres to industry regulations that apply to your licensure, such as FINRA or SEC guidelines. Avoid making specific performance guarantees or unsolicited financial advice that could be misinterpreted.

Focus on Education and Transparency

Building trust is the cornerstone of financial lead generation. Provide value through educational content, be transparent about your services and fees, and always position yourself as a guide to helping your audience achieve financial security.

Nurture Leads with Follow-Up Strategies

Once you’ve captured leads, whether through content downloads, consultations, or social media interactions, follow up with an email or a direct message. Personalize your outreach and continue to offer value with helpful tips, financial insights, or invitations to exclusive webinars or events.

Social media offers financial advisors a dynamic platform to connect with potential clients and build trust through consistent and valuable engagement. When done correctly, your social media efforts will not only bring in new clients but also foster long-term relationships that drive sustained business growth. When building your practice, it pays to be social - in real life and online.