RTB In Action: $15M in New Business

Have you signed up for Stonewood's new Retirement Tax Bill program? Advisors like you are using it to prospect and close business – all by allowing savers to understand the tax bill they face in retirement.
Here's how one advisor used RTB to drive millions of dollars in new business:
Bobby has been leveraging Stonewood's Legislative Risk messaging on his radio show and drip email funnel, driving prospects to calculate their Retirement Tax Bills on his RTB lead page. During these shows, he drives listeners to his custom RTB landing page, where they can generate their own Retirement Tax Bill report. He’s supplemented this with TV and radio ads delivering the same message.
Over the past 4 months, this has led to hundreds of new leads, including 67 warm leads with follow-up engagement with his practice.
Even better? He has closed 18 new clients from his RTB leads.
The result? Lots of new business:
$5M in FIA | $10M in AUM | $170K in IUL target premium
Bobby said it best: “Your software and program is second to none. The best thing I ever did was use the Retirement Tax Calculator. It’s amazing, it works.”
Looking at his results, we agree!
As we finish 2022 and head into 2023, taxes are one of the biggest drivers of savings decisions for wealthier Americans. Congress is debating trillions of dollars in new tax and spending bills. Our national debt is over $30T. Higher taxes are coming - and your prospects need to be prepared. Stonewood is here to help you fully leverage the tax story.
If you haven’t experienced RTB, you owe it to yourself and your practice to learn more!
Schedule a Demo and see RTB in Action